Tuna, Caper and Pesto Rosso Vol Au Vents

P15 minutes C10 minutes S60


50g butter
60g flour
500ml milk
¼ cup En Placé Pesto Rosso
425g can Riviana Tuna Chunks in Oil, well drained
2 tblsp Garden Supreme Baby Capers
60 small Erica’s Kitchen Vol Au Vents
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
smoked paprika, for sprinkling
extra baby capers, for garnish
small continental parsley leaves, for garnish


Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour and cook, stirring for 1 minute. Add milk and cook, whisking until thickened.


Remove from heat and stir in En Placé Pesto Rosso, Riviana Tuna and Garden Supreme Baby Capers.


Spoon into vol au vent cases and place on an oven tray. Bake at 200°C for 5-10 minutes until heated through.


Serve sprinkled with paprika and garnished with capers and parsley.