Tips For Attracting Locals To Work At Your Venue

Have you been affected by the staff shortage crisis?

Have you got a ‘help wanted’ poster attached to your window front that’s getting little to no attention? Know you’re not alone!


The hospitality industry has almost always benefited from a wealth of young and eager workers, but ever since COVID-19 came around the already struggling Australian sector has been suffering from staff shortages across the board. A big reason for this is departure of migrant workers, with almost 600,000 temporary visa holders departing Australia last year.


With the vaccine rollout underway, there’s hope that Australia will be able to open its borders to foreigners again, but many are struggling in the short-term as businesses scramble to fill vacant positions. If this is you, then perhaps it’s time to look local. Attracting local talent can be tough, but we’ve got a few ideas that might help you find your next homegrown superstar:



1) Create an enjoyable work environment, everyday

Arguably the best advertisement for potential applicants, is your current employees. Creating an enjoyable workplace should always be a top priority, but this is yet another reason why you should continue to strive to improve. If locals come to visit and all they see is sad faces, then they’re likely to leave their CV in the bag.


2) Make sure your Instagram is on-point


Social media is a powerful tool for marketing, but it also gives interested parties an insight into your venue. Shaky photos of your food and a lack of activity can really turn people off right away, so it might be time to find the password and revisit your account. Smart businesses like to create posts profiling their friendly staff, which is always a nice touch and shows that you care for your workers and appreciate them.


3) Build strong connections with current and former staff

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.’ Normally it’s more applicable to the applicant, but it actually goes both ways. Having a strong connection with staff allows you to lean on them for potential candidates. If your staff respect you enough, they’ll consider informing friends and family whenever potential positions come up. Keeping in touch with staff from the past can pay similar dividends, or you might even be able to convince them to come back!


4) Sell them on the unique perks of the job

With every job comes its perks, but not every perk is equal. Consider what your business can offer, and how beneficial it is for local candidates in your area. For instance, local talent is perhaps more likely to own a car over a migrant worker who is in the country for a shorter period, therefore carparking is something they could be looking for.


5) Speak with your regulars

When your customers return on a regular basis, it shows that they trust your service and enjoy the environment. If you’re struggling to get staff on your books, then it could be worthwhile speaking to them. Much like your own staff, they might know a capable candidate for the job and can refer to you. Or maybe they need a job themselves? Either way, it’s worth asking.



We hope that these tips can help you find your next rockstar bartender or top-notch sous chef. If you’ve got tips of your own or perhaps a story to share from your hiring process, then feel free to visit our Facebook page and let us know! We might even share some of your insights on our page!