It’s coming towards the end of the calendar year, and for most that means an extended Christmas break. Unfortunately for foodservice, the craziness doesn’t stop. In fact, December tends to be when the madness begins. Expect rowdy bucks, card-waving corporate execs and troves of customers excited by the break-up. You’d be forgiven for feeling a little jealous, but just remember your time will come (we hope)!
If you’ve been plonked with the task of planning your team’s party, we say good luck to you. As hospitality professionals, it’s your job to help patrons have a good time. So, for the one or two days a year when it’s time for your team to let their hair down, they’ll be hoping for a ‘wow’ experience. But how do you manage an event of this magnitude? With expectations high and a deserving crew, you want to reward them with something memorable. But with more potential to go wrong than a beach wedding in winter, you’re going to want to get prepared. Here’s some tips for prepping the perfect staff party in foodservice.
Be straight with your staff
You’re going to want to keep an element of surprise, but it’s important to inform your staff of the major details. Sure, it’s fun to keep things tight lipped, but one slip up and the secret is out. From there it’s damage control as you’re dousing the flames of wild conspiracy theories as they spread amongst the team.
Keep it simple
Sometimes it’s easy to get carried away with these types of occasions, but often it’s the simple and easy that gets the job done. Hospitality is home to a diverse group of workers, so it’s hard to cater for everyone. It’s likely the character of your staff is extravagant enough to provide a vibrant atmosphere.
Have a plan and stick to it
If your adventure extends across multiple venues or activities, be sure to book in advance. Confusion can turn to chaos when you’re denied access somewhere and are left stranded on the sidewalk. Similarly, if your staff attempt to divert your journey, back yourself. Too many hands on the wheel and you’ll soon be lost at sea.
Food for the mood
It never hurts to gauge your audience for their preference on food, because the last thing you want is people refusing to eat. Consider the occasion – sit-down dining is ideal for formality, but sliders, platters and canapes allow the group to mingle more and are less restrictive. Whatever you decide on, DON’T forget your vegans and vegos!
Where’s the D-floor?
It’s common knowledge that hospo workers love themselves a boogie. There’s nothing better to cap the night off than letting it all out on the dancefloor. If any conflict brewed between staff over the year, watch it all disappear when the music kicks in.
At Riviana we’re always on the hunt for a good story. If you’ve ever experienced or heard of any wild antics as the result of a successful staff shindig, head to our Facebook to share. We’ll have a post to comment on, or we welcome anonymous tips via direct message. We’ll be sharing the weird and wonderful throughout 2020! So don’t be shy.